November, Christmas and New Year's passed by in a blur for me.
It went by fast while preparing and actually leaving my work, my life in manila for awhile.
I decided to travel halfway on the other side of the world
to be with my sister who is recovering from an illness.
It was quite a roller-coaster of emotions
and nothing will prepare you for something that happens like it.
Life has a way of waking you up when your feeling all settled and content.
Now that she is on the road to recovery
I now get to appreciate more the wonderful things around me.
I am currently on my 3rd week here in Boston.
Daily walks outdoors has become a general part of my routine
(except on a rainy or flurry-snowish day...which happened today).
The views are breathtaking and you certainly feel
that you are in another part of the world
(especially the weather...hey I'm from a tropical country!).
I actually got the coughs and colds on my first week
while my body adjusted to the weather.
It actually reminds me of London
... the trees, the landscape the architecture and the people.
A beautiful angel found in Boston Common on a beautiful day.
It says: A public spirited citizen whose great gift to the city of Boston provided for the creation of works of public utility and beauty for the use and enjoyment of the inhabitants.
Here's something artistically inspiring which I wish I could do for 2012!
Do something creative every day.
And lastly a very inspiring New Year's Resolution sign: "Eat More Ice Cream!" =).
Boston has inspired me in more ways than I can imagine
and more than that it had me thinking about a lot of things in my life.
I'm glad I made the decision not only to be here for my sister
(plus it helps me sleep better knowing and seeing that she is doing ok)
but as well as for myself.
I'll definitely miss the place and the people!
Goodnight Boston!
Goodbye for now!
-the weekend artist-